lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015

Introducing Matt

This school year we have a new language assistant from Philadelphia, his name is Matt. We have asked him to tell us about himself and his first impression of Vigo.

Matt Reese, American language assistant at Possumus

My name is Matt and I am from Philadelphia in the United States.I studied History in university and love learning new things. I also play the guitar and enjoy listening to music. Some things I am good at are parallel parking, making a mediocre cup of coffee, and losing the twist-tie after opening a bag of bread. I really enjoy living and working in Vigo. It is a great and unique city that has so much to offer, including scenic coasts, welcoming people, and hills that make your legs sore for days. But I love it here, and working at Possumus has been an amazing experience so far. I enjoy coming to work every day and wouldn't trade this experience for anything.

Love square, Philadelphia

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