lunes, 30 de abril de 2018


Students in 6th Grade have talked about clothes from different countries and cultures. Some of these outfits were  the Peruvian unique style of clothing, the typical Indian Saree, the Japanese kimono and many other interesting garments. They did a great job, as always!



martes, 13 de febrero de 2018


6th Primary students have designed and talked about their ideal classrooms and schools. The result was great as you can see in the pictures , they are amazing artists. Good job!


miércoles, 31 de enero de 2018


Ria has an Indian background so students showed interest in the clothes Indian people wear. In the presentation they learned about different outfits such as a Saree and Kurta as well as the materials they are made of.

jueves, 21 de diciembre de 2017


Ria, our language assistant, has been telling us about some Christmas traditions. Students showed a great interest in all of them such as Christmas crackers, a traditional Christmas dinner, Boxing Day and the Queen's speech.

miércoles, 1 de noviembre de 2017


Ria, our language assistant has been telling us about Diwali, a Hindu festival that falls in either October or November depending on the position of the moon.It is called the festival of lights because Diwali marks the triumph of good over evil.
All classes have enjoyed her presentations about this festival. Thank you Ria!

domingo, 29 de octubre de 2017


I am Ria, and I am the new teaching assistant at Colexio Possumus.
I am from Leicester, England.
I study Spanish and European Studies at Nottingham Trent University.
In my spare time, I like reading, playing the guitar, watching football and eating pizza!
I hope to explore more of Vigo, Galicia and wider Spain during my time here.

See you around!

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015

Introducing Matt

This school year we have a new language assistant from Philadelphia, his name is Matt. We have asked him to tell us about himself and his first impression of Vigo.

Matt Reese, American language assistant at Possumus

My name is Matt and I am from Philadelphia in the United States.I studied History in university and love learning new things. I also play the guitar and enjoy listening to music. Some things I am good at are parallel parking, making a mediocre cup of coffee, and losing the twist-tie after opening a bag of bread. I really enjoy living and working in Vigo. It is a great and unique city that has so much to offer, including scenic coasts, welcoming people, and hills that make your legs sore for days. But I love it here, and working at Possumus has been an amazing experience so far. I enjoy coming to work every day and wouldn't trade this experience for anything.

Love square, Philadelphia